This morning, I imagine my small toe on the left foot said to my knee that he felt a bit ill. The knee, being all nice, offered to help the toe by weakening my left leg and passed on the message to my right leg. During the day I think they all spread little toe's message and the thing is that even up in my head the complaint registered, as it is feeling all hot and dizzy. The things our body decides against us are the strangest. All the bits of my body are conspiring today against me. Do you think my little toe on my left foot got a cold and wants me to go to bed and rest?
Ana, muito prazer... muito legal seu blog... depois veja meu antigo blog, criado e incentivado pelo Alisson:
Assim que puder irei visitar a Espanha... bjs
don't know...might be a cold or sign of active Kundalini...
anyway I hope u will feel better,
Thanks Raf for the wishes!
I feel worse today :(
Got some flu pills and they make me feel real sleepy...
I think it might have been your left ear that told your nose that she smelled bad. The nose took it all wrong and started clogging up, which pissed off your eyes, which decided to tear up and close.
But then again, I could be wrong.
Hope you get well soon!
No, i'm quite sure it started with the toe... and my ears don't smell!
In summary, you are wrong! Thanks for the comment though, it helped a lot :) NASTY!
And no, my nose doesn't smell either!!!
There you go, find another start!
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