Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Madrid Fashion Week

In an unprecedented attempt to set the rules, Madrid Fashion Week's organisers are turning down super thin models, for the first time in the fashion world.

This decision came about as last year's event raised a wave of protests from anti-anorexia institutions as a result of the choice of underweight models for Spain's biggest fashion event.

Following this, the organisers got firm and are using the body mass index (based on weight and height) to measure the models. So far, 30% of the women that participated on last year's event have been rejected. Models who are 1.75m tall must weigh a minimum of 56 kg. Esther Canadas, Spain's most famous model, is said to be out, as her BMI is reportedly of only 14.

Because fashion is a mirror and sets trends amongst teenagers, it's important to project a reflection of health. Images of waif-like or heroin chic models do not portray a picture of health and beauty. Clothes hang rather than snuggly fit. It's not attractive.

PS - You know Ana is an analogy? She is a role model to some, a goddess to others — the subject of drawings, prayers and even a creed. (No, it's not me!!!) Ana is short for anorexia.


rafal said...

good job the guys are doing..I am not too much into the world of fashion but it gives me shivers every time I see these anorectic "beauties"

Anonymous said...

Maybe the next Top Model will be a chubby type kind a gal...

rafal said...

that would be another extreme My Friend...


Anonymous said...

Dear Ana,
This comment is mainly to prove that I also do visit, read and comment your blog (I’m sad that you didn’t notice it before!! But liked to see you were jealous!! hi hi :-).
And to you, my dear Rafal, I can assure you that nothing special happened in Prague between me and our dear "Sudanese" friend!!

Regarding the anorexia, good to learn that fashion world is worried with our teenagers (I personally like some “curves”…:-)
, but I’m more worried with the overweighed children all over the western world, specially here in poor Portugal… Beijos, Pink Piglet

rafal said...

...oh well Anton, I counted on some spicy stories from Prague maybe this one will asked a waitress in Lemon Leaf for a telephone..nothing there neither....??
