Friday, November 03, 2006

Food for weekend thought

Why when people ask you "what three things would you bring with you on a desert island?" no one ever replies, "A BOAT"?

Why are elderly people often called "old people" but children are never called "new people"?

Why is it called the People's Republic Of China when China's not a republic?

Why is it that people duck in the rain, do they really think the rain won't hit them?

Why is there no pine or apple in pineapple?

Why do "cool" and "hot" mean the same thing?

Why does triangularly cut bread taste better than square bread?

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?

Why is it called 'after dark', when it is really after light?

Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?

Why do we say "bye bye" but not "hi hi"?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, absolutely! I've also wondered why people, when they find something, say "was in the last place I looked!" No shit. Why would you continue looking after you find it?

Also, why do people point at the watch when asking for the time? Should I point at my penis when asking for the loo as well?

And why do we squint when we can't hear something? Does our hearing become better when we contract our muscles on our face and push our faces forward?

I quote from the Doors "people are strange".