Monday, March 19, 2007


The weekend was for bichinho get used to us.

We went for a nice ride on Sunday, to the countryside. We did a picnic in the woods, where the river water lapping and the birds singing were the only sounds detectable in the air. We almost fell asleep on that idyllic place. Bichinho liked it aswell.
We will certainly get back there, as it makes out as a great escape from the big polluted city at weekends, where the only refreshing option in the coming months will be our swimming-pool. I already have plans on what to buy to further enjoy it: need to get fluffy mattresses for the concrete floor (who, in their right mind, would make a swimming pool relaxing area out of concrete!?). Last year, what saved my back was my sheer joy of having my own pool (shared with my neighbours, of course) and the adrenalin somehow masked the pain my back was incurring on those long hot afternoons, when sunbathing till 9 pm wasn't an option, was a need...
This year, I'll become a proper neighbour and leave my possesions overnight by the pool, marking my territory. No young tenants will take my spot.
Ah, the joys of summer.
Spring is round the corner and today it seemed we were back at winter, wind gusts and drops of temperature opened this week. Not good for the humour, especially when Ali is out of the office and I'm his backup... Listening to his clients makes me shiver. Ok, they're from Oporto like us, but that accent makes me nervous! How can you speak like that, mr??? Get a grip or go to school!

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