Sunday, January 20, 2008


My company establishes Western Europe as a Business Area, of which Portugal, Spain, France and Benelux are part of. Now, following the restructuring programme my company is taking into effect since October 06, each country's office is to be centralized in one, representing each BA. This means relocation of offices. In my case, to Belgium, to Brussels in particular.

This came as a shock, but decisions are taken and there's no going back. It's not making much sense to us, if we look at the country they decided upon - it's very costly and the fiscal burden is huge on companies. In terms of savings, Brussels doesn't seem to fit the bill. But, hey, who are we to have a say?

In practical terms, our department of 11 people will have to, either moving to Brussels or leave the company. Out of these 11, 4 will work from home, so they're saved. The rest will be fired, if moving to Brussels doesn't please them. I'm the only one who seems to be in the conditions to accept the deal, as I'm the youngest and have no strings attached in Spain. Basically, they're counting on me. So, the scales seem to be on my side and it's my moment to ask.

The move will take place by the end of June, so we have nearly 6 months to clear all the mess, teach the new Belgians and all of this with a smile. I'm the only one who's actually smiling, but can't show it out of respect for my colleagues. It's a crap place to be for them, as they have kids and their houses to pay.

Conclusion: another country to live and work - it will be the 5th, if I don't count my own, Portugal. Oh dear, just the thought of packing everything again.....

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