Thursday, August 16, 2007

Why do we yawn? It's all about empathy

"It starts with a tingling, itch-like sensation at the back of the mouth, develops into a deep intake of breath, followed by an equally resonant exhalation - often accompanied by a satisfying groan. To the medical profession it is a "brainstem-mediated bodily response"; to anyone else it's a yawn.
Most animals with any backbone yawn spontaneously but only humans, chimps and possibly some species of monkey suffer from contagious yawning - when the sight or thought of someone else yawning starts a chain reaction.
Why yawning should be infectious has foxed some the greatest minds in science but the latest study into the topic suggests it may have something to do with emotional empathy - we yawn when we see someone else yawning because of our need to empathise with other people." - The Independent

Very curious observation, in fact I'm yawning right now...Are you empathising with me?

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