Sunday, October 14, 2007

Chaotic funeral

First time ever I got myself alone to watch a movie.

Since it's a beautiful sunday afternoon, nothing to do, friends with other plans, decided to get into the car and drive down to the center. Parked the car and walked to see if there was anything funny at the cinema. Realising that 'Death at a Funeral' was on in 45 mins, bought the ticket (with the embarracement of the cashier shouting from his mic, One ticket?) and waited in Plaza Sant'Ana for the 45 mins to pass by. Sat on a bench, watching people go by, got a suntan and listened to the 'Beach Boys' from the portable radio from this guy sitting behind me...What an atmosphere! If I closed my eyes, I could easily imagine I was watching surfers glide the waves while I was lying on the sand... Just the smoke from passing cars eluded this illusion.

Got to the cinema and next to me sat 4 old ladies. One of them, already at the presentation of the trailers, was snoring really loud, which made everyone stare back, and there was I.

The film was hilarious, pure black humour, true Brit com. I truly reccommend it, honest. You roll out of your chair with Simon, totally high on acid.

I promise it's really funny, go and watch it!

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