Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Miss and Mr Espana, olé!

This past weekend we had the pleasure to zap through the election of the most beautiful people this year in this country. We followed devotedly the gala just to know who, out of the 50 girls was to be crowned! (I have no memories of ever watching a beauty pageant, but it doesn't matter...) The winner is this girl, who, when she said she had come with her sister and boyfriend, I almost fell sorry for her (the camera zoomed to this couple who, watching the camera, snogged as it zoomed). We were all left thinking: "What the f***!!! How can they kiss on national tv and show everyone their affair? Isn't this guy the contestant's boyfriend and the girl her sister? And they are snogging? Kissing in the mouth for the camera???"
Well, this moment of excitment was the peak of the gala...It seems that the boyfriend was the Other guy on the right side of the sis! Misunderstandings aside, this is this year's winner:

And I must refer that in Spain, being a Mr is something quite serious and that can take you almost to the stars!! The candidates go through a whole bunch of important pre-selections and their pictures are on the official webpage and they are subject to a few speculations by the media, such as their standardised (or not) looks. This year's winner was Mr Madrid,

but my personal favourite was this one. Mr Zaragoza.

(Damn, cannot have his body...in photo, to put it here!!!)

Go and have a look please at the contestants and you might go in for a few surprises!

Bad day for Bichinho

This morning, a sleepy and clumsy truck driver totally ignored my presence in my Bichinho behind him, patiently waiting for him to do what he had to do, and reversed into me.

My beeping didn't help, nor the people on the sidewalk enthusiastically shouting at the guy and gesturing coherently... I was pushed backwards about 5 meters against my will!!! This in the morning, when your alertness is still in bed.
Basically, my heart pounding, went out of the car expecting to see a severe damage on the front, but the Bichinho took it well and decided to revenge on the licence plate, right on the middle of it. At the end, after repeating it's a new Bichinho and that the poor thing didn't deserve it, the guy looked at me and asked me something in Spanish that I didn't get (ahrrgg!) and decided to take pity on me and gave me his phone number and licence. I hope he didn't gave me a false number just to get me out of his face...

Monday, March 26, 2007

Chic and cheap

Quickly checking the headlines on the papers, came across the Observer's article about Portugal's rural hotels, 20 estates across the country:

Spain has its haciendas, Portugal its quintas - country estates with bags of character. Some are hidden in the hills, some on the coast, some cheap, others very chic, but glorious scenery and a slower pace of life come as standard. In this preview from the new edition of his book, Alastair Sawday picks his favourites.

It goes on dividing the retreats into categories, like Rustic chic, Close to the coast, Bargain boltholes and Away From It All.
Read the article for great escapes on the country or buy the book Portugal, by Alistair Sawday.


I'm off to the gym.

Busy Monday: couldn't sleep last night, so today didn't get up on my full energy potencial

Then, got at work a bit late

Then, on the lift, tidying myself up, my pantyhose got a hole

Will Monday end peacefully?

Friday, March 23, 2007

(Teddy)Bear Knut

In Berlin's Zoo, there was a white and fluffy controversy: little baby polar bear Knut who was rejected by his mother. He was in danger of being executed, for apparently representing a problem if raised by humans in the zoo (in socializing later with his own species). He was the only surviving polar bear to be born in captivity in over 30 years... But animal rights and pleas from tons of people prevented the little thingy to be put down and he is now safe.

Check these photos on the slide and be delighted by this cutie.

Goran Bregovic ft Kayah - Nie ma, nie ma ciebie

One of my favourites from Goran with Kaya, a polish singer with a powerful voice. Enjoy. I love the instruments...

Ausência - Goran Bregovic (Cesária Évora)

Goran and Cesária...very nice and warm.

The new queen of Cabo Verdean morna

If you like mornas and Cesária Évora, then you'll like to read this article in The Independent, about Lura, a great new singer who's following the footsteps of Évora.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mapa da Austrália

O mapa português da Austrália Este mapa marítimo do século XVI da costa Este da Austrália, pertencente a uma biblioteca de Los Angeles, prova, segundo um livro recentemente publicado, que os portugueses foram os primeiros europeus a descobrir aquele país, antes de britânicos e holandeses. Em "Beyond Capricorn", o jornalista Peter Trickett explica que este mapa é a peça do puzzle que faltava para provar que Cristovão de Mendonça chegou à Botany Bay com uma frota de quatro navios em 1522, quase 250 anos antes do capitão britânico James Cook. O mapa descreve com precisão e em português vários locais ao longo da costa Este australiana.
Foto: Reuters




Homem é recomendado para mulheres portadoras de SMS (Síndrome da Mulher Sozinha). Homem é eficaz no controle do desânimo, da ansiedade, irritabilidade, mau-humor, insónia etc.
Posologia e Modo de Usar:

Homem deve ser usado três vezes por semana. (só ???) Não desaparecendo os sintomas, aumente a dosagem ou procure outro. Homem é apropriado para uso externo e interno, dependendo da necessidade.

Mantenha longe do alcance de amigas (vizinhas solitárias, loiras e/ou morenas sorridentes, etc). É desaconselhável o uso imediatamente após as refeições.

Mini, Max, Super, Mega, Plus, Super Mega Max Plus e "Oh meuDeus!!!".
Conduta na Overdose:

O uso excessivo de Homem pode produzir dores abdominais, entorses, contraturas lombares, assim como ardor na região pélvica. Recomenda-se banhos de assento, repouso e contar vantagem prá melhor amiga...
Efeitos Colaterais:

O uso inadequado de Homem pode acarretar gravidez ou acessos de ciúmes. O uso concomitante de produtos da mesma espécie pode causar enjoo e fadiga crónica
Prazo de Validade:

O número do lote e data de fabricação encontram-se na cédula de identidade e no cartão de crédito.

Cuidado!!! Existem no mercado algumas marcas falsificadas, com embalagem de qualidade, mas que ao ser aberta apresenta um produto inócuo ou prejudicial. Ou seja, produto que além de não apresentar efeito positivo pode agravar os sintomas.
Instruções para o Perfeito Funcionamento de Um Homem:

1. Ao abrir a embalagem, faça uma cara neutra; não se mostre muito empolgada com o produto. Se ficar muito seguro de si, o homem não funciona muito bem, vive dando defeito.
2. Guarde em lugar fresco e seguro (pois é frágil e facilmente contaminável).
3. Deixe fora do alcance de pseudo-amigas.
4. Para ligar, basta uns beijinhos no pescoço pela manhã, para desligar basta uma noite de sexo (ele dorme como uma pedra e nem dá boa noite - falta de educação é defeito de fábrica).
5. Programe-o para assinar talões de cheques sem reclamar.
6- Carregue as baterias três vezes por dia: café, almoço e jantar.

Homem não tem garantia de fábrica e todas as espécies são sujeitas a incontáveis defeitos (falhas de carácter, falta de personalidade, futilidade, instabilidade emocional, imaturidade, egoísmo e "mania de maria vai com os outros" são algumas das falhas mais comuns).
A solução é ir trocando até que se ache o modelo próximo do"ideal". Recentes pesquisas, no entanto, atestam que ainda não se conseguiu inventar tal .

Monday, March 19, 2007

*My books*

I'm reading this book at the moment and I love it, it's by John Mortimer.

Also bought 2 books in Vips - Trade Wind by M M Kaye, another British writer and Omamory by Richard McGill.
Have no more shelves to put my books on, I guess there's two things I love - books and clothes and both their respective places of rest are totally full (this flat is too small).... Well, the influence comes from home, as Mum doesn't know where else she can stack more books and Dad keeps getting them shamelessly, hahahaha.
I'm also listening to a very cool internet radio station all this time at the pc, it's http://www.di.fm/ and you'll love it. I always choose either Lounge or Chill Out. Now they're playing the whole Supperclub Rome 6 album and it is really nice, especially the cool version of Summertime by Jurr and Roelove feat Wendy Lewis...
It offers all sorts of music genres, without commercials. Great company.


The weekend was for bichinho get used to us.

We went for a nice ride on Sunday, to the countryside. We did a picnic in the woods, where the river water lapping and the birds singing were the only sounds detectable in the air. We almost fell asleep on that idyllic place. Bichinho liked it aswell.
We will certainly get back there, as it makes out as a great escape from the big polluted city at weekends, where the only refreshing option in the coming months will be our swimming-pool. I already have plans on what to buy to further enjoy it: need to get fluffy mattresses for the concrete floor (who, in their right mind, would make a swimming pool relaxing area out of concrete!?). Last year, what saved my back was my sheer joy of having my own pool (shared with my neighbours, of course) and the adrenalin somehow masked the pain my back was incurring on those long hot afternoons, when sunbathing till 9 pm wasn't an option, was a need...
This year, I'll become a proper neighbour and leave my possesions overnight by the pool, marking my territory. No young tenants will take my spot.
Ah, the joys of summer.
Spring is round the corner and today it seemed we were back at winter, wind gusts and drops of temperature opened this week. Not good for the humour, especially when Ali is out of the office and I'm his backup... Listening to his clients makes me shiver. Ok, they're from Oporto like us, but that accent makes me nervous! How can you speak like that, mr??? Get a grip or go to school!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Zero 7 - In the Waiting Line

Very mellow song. Perfect for the end of the day...

Headline of the day

In El País, this headline made my sister obsessed with it, as it was so funny:

Un niño chino de cuatro años mata a 443 pollos a gritos

Apparentely a frightned little boy killed 443 chickens with his own screaming! Is this for real?

Poor Dad had to pay a lot of money of compensation to the annoyed owner of the silly animals...

I bet he is proud of his boy!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Me and my bichinho...

we went for a ride, to get to know each other. After all, it was our first date. I showed him my neighbourhood, my work, my favourite places to go... We spent two hours together and when we had to part our ways, I made sure I left him right where I could see him, in case of a sudden 'missing him' moment....

Ah, the joys of having your own first bichinho....

Friday, March 09, 2007

cafe del mar

Is it just me or aren't we all missing those long summer days and nights? Everytime I listen to any Café del Mar song I get so nostalgic of sand and sea and sun...
3 more months, right?...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

International Day of the Working Woman

And why is it International Day of the Working Woman? Is a housewife included here? And a student?

Our boss decided to give the women in the office a red rose each. I keep thinking a little raise on our salaries would balance things better between us and men... In Spain, the majority of women still get paid 30% less than their male counterparts.


After all, my bichinho will only be mine on Tuesday!!!! Arrgghh, and what should I do over the weekend, now that I already had lots of places to go to??
Promises! Bah!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Papi, vai tudo correr pelo melhor! Não te preocupes!
Vamos estar contigo no coração!
Amo-te muito!


Just payed my car's insurance...(sniff)

By Friday I can pick the little thing up...right on time for the weekend.

I call it Bichinho, which is hard to translate to English but it's more or less little fluffy pet (hahaha)...well, more or less. It's also my own little abreviation of Mitsubichinho... Ok, I know, leave it Ana!
In any case, it's my new toy! And I can't wait to have it!

Any ideas where to take it (around Madrid)?...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


ABSOLUT vodka is one of the top selling brands, only second to Smirnoff in the vodka market. It has been around for more than 100 years and it's drinkers are drawn to it, not because of its distinctive flavour, but mainly because of its amazing marketing. Since 1979 it has been marketed as Absolut and its blue lettering on a simple bottle are recognisable almost everywhere. TBWA are the responsibles for its great success, by creating so far more than 1200 ads for the drink. Absolut Purity became Absolut Perfection and then a bottle with wings became Absolut Heaven and so on...

Here you can find the compilation of all the ads so far.

Apparentely in the US these "bottle focused ads" are not available anymore and boring ads are taking over. Fortunately in Europe the motto 'don't change a winning horse' is still known and we can still enjoy some amazing ads.

In the meantime, you can see the latest bottle to come out in the market, in chrome (apparentely to appeal to a male audience): Absolut 100.

Goldfrapp - Utopia

Very classy song. Retro chic, as it should.
Just thought of sharing, you know I love you guys! You're getting educated on my taste.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Comparing car's insurances isn't equivalent of fun...

But buying your first car is....


Friday, March 02, 2007

The Gift - Music

One of the best examples of The Gift, our portuguese very own great band! Enjoy.



well, it seems that it's not only me who spends little time lately devoted to their blogs and totally abandon their purpose of relating thoughts and events to the blogosphere...

I have a few excuses, as I always try to demonstrate, therefore I'm going to use one more again and that is plenty of work. Have I use this one already? Well, I guess I did and it only shows I'm a very busy girl.

But enough of excuses and let's go to what matters: my trip to Barcelona. The weather was sunny and warm. Got straight from the airport to the Fair and started acting like a saleswoman: smiling at passersby, offering candies, asking if curious people needed help explaining our different papers and their uses, etc etc... It was ok. The best thing there was this:

This was a Formula One simulator that our competitors from Portugal (who's cool?) brought to captivate attention, and oh boy, did they get it! Everyone was queueing to get a race out of that cool thing. The guys, after I introduced myself as one of their suppliers (on other area) didn't want me to leave without trying it, which I did the next day, as I was already wearing less formal clothes (my first day dress would make it impossible for me to even get into that little cabin, to start with).

Everyone was really nice there, as we were all on the same boat - having to stay there and try to sell. On Sunday, me and a colleague went for a look around and brought plenty of beautiful posters to plaster a whole house...They were giving them away and many were done with our paper, so we had a point. The printers from where they were coming out were so big, they occupied a different pavillion altogether.

Enough of Fair and work. On Saturday night met my friend and other Portuguese people and went out for dinner where some of the guys tried kanguroo meat, for the disgust of some on the table.

On Sunday met again, this time on a more conventional restaurant, but it was almost touch and go, as they had already tickets for a film starting in around 50 mins, so you can imagine how quick was eating dinner.

On Monday, my first holiday day, went all over Barcelona, it brought back nice memories from the last time I stayed for 2 months. Barcelona is indeed unique and it's a continuous delight. But I guess all that airconditioned at the Fair gave me a bug and felt a bit sick, so didn't go out at night and tried to stay awake in bed watching the Oscars. Obviously I didn't remain awake for long... Next day was more or less the same walk around town and back to the airport, where the delays on the flights to and fro Barcelona are everyday's bread. Arrived around 10 pm at Madrid, right on time to watch Dr House.

It was cool! Barcelona rocks!